
Sundays at 10am
Our worship together is the heart of our church. Our weekly Sunday worship service begins at 10am. It is held in-person in our sanctuary and online. Our online worship page has links to livestreamed services as well as services from previous weeks.
Worship is filled with participation of members of all ages, inspiring music, relevant and scripture-based preaching, a special message for kids, and prayers for our neighbors and the world. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome to partake.
At special times in the liturgical year, Advent and Christmas or Holy Week and Easter, there are additional services.
Grace Connexion
After Worship on Sundays at 11:30am
Grace lies at the heart of Christian discipleship. Early Methodists called their small groups “connexions.” Grace Connexion is a series of conversations on spiritual topics from understanding other faiths to practicing forgiveness, and the importance of gratitude in our lives.
Bible Study on Zoom
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
All are welcome to this small group study and conversation about the scriptures. There is no homework required, but Study Guides are provided if you wish to read ahead. Come every week or as you are available.
Bring yourself, your favorite Bible translation and a mind and heart open to engaging with God’s Word.
Please contact Pastor Heather if you would like to receive the Zoom meeting invitation for Bible Study.
Study Guides:
LtW- Small Groups (2025-02-02) #3-21 – The Lord of the Sabbath
LtW- Small Groups (2025-02-09) #3-22 – Healing and Raising the Dead
LtW- Small Groups (2025-02-16) #3-23 – Are You the One?
Wednesday Morning Book Group on Zoom
2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month, 10:00am
Join us to discuss selections from exceptional books we’ve chosen to read together. Recent books include: The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language by Melvyn Bragg and Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
Please join us for wonderful fellowship and spirited discussion. Contact for the Zoom link.

Small Groups
Experience has taught us that small intimate setting are among the best ways to deepen our faith and grow closer to one another. Members are encouraged to participate in existing groups as well as form new ones. Ongoing small groups include Wednesday Morning Book Group, a monthly, Saturday breakfast hosted by the United Methodist Men, social and fund-raising activities sponsored by the United Methodist Women, and fund-raising galas sponsored by the Missions Committee.

Family Life
Family Life is a core value of our church. We offer many events to bring church families together. Favorite activities are cookouts and games on the lawn, Advent supper and craft night which includes lighting our tree and singing carols, Lenten Dinners, Trunk or Treat, mission projects and many others. Members of all ages look forward to these family activities.

Member Care
One of the truest expressions of our faith in action is the mission of our Member Care Committee. Whether in celebration of a joyous occasion or reaching out a helping hand in times of need, this ministry is the essence of faith in action. Members can count on offers for meals and transportation during illness and hardship as well as organizing The Prayer Chain.

Our Children
Every Sunday, children between the ages of 1 month to 3 years may attend our nursery from 9:30-11am so that parents can worship and join fellowship hour for coffee. Staffed by two professionals, the nursery is a safe place for children to play and grow. “Busy Bags” are available for children of all ages who are interested in staying for worship until after Children’s Time, a special moment during the worship service when all children are invited to the front of the Sanctuary for an interactive message with Pastor Heather. The entire congregation enjoys this moment!
Pre-school age through 5th grade children experience a hands-on way to understand Bible stories. They play games, brain teasers, and do word puzzles. The children are encouraged to attend Worship with their parents and leave for Sunday School after Children’s Time.

Middle School
Our Sunday School program for Middle School, grades 6-8, encourages spirited discussions, which connect the Bible, questions of faith and everyday life.

Confirmation Class
Confirmation Class is an opportunity for 8th graders and higher to explore their faith and make the choice to become a full members of the congregation. The class meets regularly with the Pastor to explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ, church history and the sacraments. The celebration of Confirmation takes places on or near Pentecost Sunday in the spring.

High School
High School class activities range from serving the community to Bible study to discussions of current events.

Music Ministry
For many of us, being in a place of grace means being surrounded by music. Our diverse music program is an integral part of our Sunday worship. Musical offerings include our Chancel Choir, Praise Band, and the sharing of musical gifts by members of the congregation. Jazz Vespers services are held monthly at 4pm throughout the program year. All are welcome to lift their voice in praise!

Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden was created on the church grounds as an area of beauty set aside for placement of memorial plaques, the interment of ashes and appropriate services associated with those activities as well as for the purpose of meditation.